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L u t h i e r y

Building an instrument is a beautiful thing to do. It requires patience and humility. It is like learning who you are again and again. 

Building things and taking things apart in order to understand how they work has always been a passion for me. My father was an engineer.


But it is especially working with wood that gives me much pleasure: the smell of it in the workshop, the feel of a smooth planed surface, the sound of a sharp blade cutting precisely, the look of the wood under a bright finish that brings out the details in the story of its fibers.


The art of constructing something which later will produce the sound of music is a fascinating process. It involves theory, mechanics, craftmanship, esthetics and a lot of instinct and creativity. 


I make instruments for custom orders specified by the client and I build instruments that let the creativity flow, experimenting with my own new ideas. Sometimes I make small series of a particular instrument but for the most part what I do is one of a kind projects. Repairing and doing maintenance on musical instruments also gives me much pleasure and is an important part of the work.

For a visual look at what is being made in my workshop, check out the Gallery page.

I have a site for an instrument I invented called the DrumBox.

I build pandeiros together with my colleague Matthias Haffner. For more information check

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